My first game!

Move with wasd.

Pick up garbage with the left mouse.

Mute and unmute the game with m.

Ver 1.0

Glitch with gaming over on the same frame  as reaching the surface has been patched.

Discarded T-Shirts have been added as trash.

Discarded 6 pack soda rings have been added as trash.

Discarded soda cans have been added as trash.

Fish randomly spawn and will swim across the screen.

M can be pressed to mute and unmute the game.

Ver 0.5

Glitch with tiles not loading has been patched.

Score is now presented with bean icon.

Running out of air causes the player to game over.

The player can retry after gaming over by pressing R.

Music has been added.

Music loops until the player gets a game over.

Ver 0.4

Bean cans spawn randomly as you move around the terrain.

Air meter added.

Bean cans can be removed by clicking on them.

Now with 03.5% more sand.

Ver 0.3

Terrain is fully procedurally generated.

Terrain is deleted when moving far enough away.

Deleted terrain will be reformed the same way if the area is loaded again.

Failsafe mechanism in place if no available tiles exist.

Minor tweaks, such as increased fog.

Ver 0.2

Player direction when jumping out of water is fixed.

Sand texture created.

Basic terrain logic has been added (2500 tiles are randomly generated with this logic to show it's capabilities.

Minor tweaks, such as increased fog.

Ver 0.1:

Basic character controls implemented.

Player can jump out of water.

Objects are included for reference.

Made withUnity
Average sessionA few seconds


This game is currently unavailable

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